Excerpts from my reel

These shots are the main excerpts of my latest works

Project: National Energy Saving Campaign
Aim: Incorporate the graphic background provided by the government with graphics created by myself and green screen video filmed, using chroma-key and sometimes rotoscoping.
Outcome: simple and straight forward campaign catching the attention of all target audiences.

Project: “Rumba Intercolegial de Gaitas”…. I must begin with the translation;
Rumba: ['rʌmbə] festival, big party | Intercolegial: inter-school | Gaitas: (Ven) lively Christmas rhythm
Aim: Promoting a large televised Christmas event. It is an event where around 20 of the most pretigiuos high-schools in the nations capital city, perform live in front of an audience of thousands. The Gaita’s Band represents their school over 3 days, competing to be the winner of the best band of the year. The “Rumba Intercolegial de Gaitas” has been celebrated at Christmas time for the last 25 years.
Outcome: keeping the logotype and creating a great animation out of the logo. Reaching a teen audience (by “writing” in a school notebook) incorporating Christmas fairy lights and synchronised with the audio.

Project: Image Group
Aim: The Group wanted to make a strong brand and associate itself with two major companies within the group: LaTele (TV) and Vepaco (billboards)
Outcome: a cube is a solid object that links every single side. Playing with layers, pre-compositions and positioning the camera, the objective was achieved in 2D software. (After Effects CS5)

Project: regionalisation (for South American region) for Deadliest Roads for The History Channel
Aim: keep the typography, texture and effects trough the animation of the opening-titles, exactly the same as the original show.
Outcome: great matching of the titles with the camera movements as well as the shadows. Now the animation is broadcast for Portuguese speaking countries and 21 Spanish speaking countries.

Project: commercial announcement on A&E.
simple and short 5 second announcement, with all graphic elements of the brand and product.
Outcome: approval from client within two days and immediately broadcast

Project: Promo Morning Shows
: Eye-catching promotion to gain greater audience for the new schedules of the morning shows.
Outcome: simple animated text, clear, direct to the audience, with a bright morning colours and elements, highlighting the time and topics of each TV show.

Project: insert created on VIZrtAim: to learn, understand and practice VIZrt, taught by a colleague before a left for Australia.
Outcome: surprised my supervisor, and was praised for my initiative. The History Channel is keeping this animation and will edit and broadcasted when ready. (all the back colour is obviously the alpha channel)

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